Welcome to the TeacHy2020 project's website
Hydrogen Safety - TeacHy

The 3rd Gathering Event

Online meeting in Zoom

The 3rd Gathering Event of the project TeacHy intends to put together all actors involved in the projects as well as all parties that could be potentially interested by using the material developed in Teachy, in the form of the material for the Masterclasses or in a derived form. All links with other organizations or groups of people developing this type of online initiatives in the field of energy and energy transition were also discussed.

The links to presentations, agenda and Zoom video can bee downloaded below.

Agenda download

Zoom video download

Programme of the day




10:00 Start of the meeting and Welcome Words P. Hendrick
10:05 The TeacHy project and the JU FCH objectives A. Garcia Hombrados
10:15 Introduction and Status of TeacHy R. Steinberger
10:30 CPD efforts in The Netherlands A. Purushothaman
10:45 Creating online content I. Iordache
11:00 The TIME network and Teachy interest J-L. Delplancke
11:15 A Lab demo as taught in Teachy M. Santarelli
11:30 Potential Teachy user: the public transport operator in the Brussels-Capital
STIB – Ph. Vandewauwer
11:45 Brainstorming / Q&A  
12:00 Adjournment of the meeting  


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The TeacHy project is part of the project portfolio of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking.

Project reference: 779730.