Welcome to the TeacHy2020 project's website
Hydrogen Safety - TeacHy

List of Milestones

Milestone number

Milestone title 

Lead partner
Delivery date
MS1 Kick-off meeting  UPB M1
MS2 Target group defined UBHAM  M2 
MS3 Associate network fully established EPFL  M2 
MS4 Dissemination and marketing strategy report completed ULB  M4 
MS5 MOOC/LMS trial run completed DTU   M11 
MS6 CPD scheme fully established  KPI M17
MS7 Mid-term review meeting UPB   M18 
MS8 MSc course trial run completed POLITO   M24 
MS9 Course content completed, peer reviewed and translated TUD   M24 
MS10 Course accredited UCPT   M24 
MS11 Full MSc course run completed POLITO   M36 
MS12 Final project meeting UPB   M36